October 5, 2022
HQ Gives Back: Tom Conley Field Facility Renovation
Ladson, SC– Hunter Quinn Homes is partnering with Ladson Youth Organization (LYO) to renovate the lavatory facilities at Tom Conley Park in Ladson, SC. The renovation will kick off Monday, September 26th, and conclude Friday, September 30th. A ribbon cutting ceremony followed by a celebratory kickball game between Ladson Youth Organization program participants and team Hunter Quinn will mark the conclusion of this project.
The renovation project is a result of a much-needed upgrade to the existing facilities of Tom Conley field, where LYO, and the surrounding Sangaree community, regularly host games and events. Hunter Quinn Homes’ HQ Gives Back initiative will mobilize local contractors and suppliers to donate materials and labor to improve the facility.
“Over the years, the biggest complaint that Tom Conley received is the lack of functioning restroom facilities and how outdated they are,” says Tommy Newell, President of LYO. “All of the other parks in the area have municipal financial support where LYO at Tom Conley Field is solely self-financed. We generate money off registrations, donations, and sponsorships, that contribute to the upkeep of the ball fields.”
The renovation will be a complete gut and remodel of the existing lavatories. The facilities will receive new plumbing fixtures and partitions, a fresh coat of paint, partial roof replacement, and newly coated floors. The purpose of the renovation is to provide the local community with updated and functional facilities at a much-used community park that has been around for over 50 years. Hunter Quinns’ trade partners are donating all materials and labor.
“Our team is passionate about providing excellent experiences building homes for our neighbors here in the Charleston market. Not only do we build homes, but we also build communities. We’re fortunate that we can give back and see this as another opportunity to do some real good for the youth in the local community” explained Will Herring, Founder & President of Hunter Quinn Homes.
The closing ceremony for the renovation project is open to the community and will take place Wednesday October 5, 2022 at 6:00 pm.
“LYO is doing everything it can to improve Tom Conley Park to bring old families back and welcome new families.” -Tommy Newell, President of Ladson Youth Organization
About Hunter Quinn Homes
Hunter Quinn Homes (hunterquinnhomes.com) is a Charleston-based new home builder and residential developer. Since 2010 Hunter Quinn has built single-family attached and detached communities across South Carolina and has successfully positioned itself as “Builder of Choice” to stakeholders and customers alike. With their unmatched customer experience process, great locations, award-winning designs, and
commitment to company culture and people, Hunter Quinn Homes continues to be an industry leader focused on building the difference.
About Ladson Youth Organization
Ladson Youth Organization (LYO) at Tom Conley is a community-based sports facility.
“Our members are the kids and adults that play here, the coaches that volunteer their time, and the community who supports them. Our goal is to provide every child, regardless of special needs, the opportunity to participate in youth sports. We work to provide an environment that enhances the participants’ self-esteem and physical mobility. Through proper guidance and leadership, LYO assists children in developing the qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork, and physical well-being.
To learn more about LYO, visit: ladsonyouthorganization.com