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We Work Hard to Make it Easy.

From choosing your home to moving in, the home building process can be complex, but it shouldn’t be for you! Through each step we guide you. Clearly presenting and discussing your options. With regular communication and updates, you always know the progress of your new home. Enjoy the experience and we’ll expertly handle the details.

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HQ Lingo

Let's be honest, building industry jargon is a lot to digest. While we in the industry know what we're talking about among each other, it's important that you, our home owner don't feel lost in the shuffle. Here's some lingo you will hear us refer to quite frequently on you journey home...

  • Home Owner

    [ hohm-oh-ner] 


    1. What we are here to help you become 2. You

  • Journey

    [ jur-nee ] 


    the pre-determined path that we will take together to guide you to home ownership

  • Purchase Agreement

    [pur-chuhs - uh-gree-muhnt


    an agreement that outlines the terms on which Hunter Quinn will build your home

  • Homesite

    [ hohm-sahyt ] noun: 

    1. The actual location of your new home as it relates to the surrounding community 2. Also known as "lot"

  • New Home Consultant

    [ noo-hohm -  kuh n-suhl-tnt ] 


    1. Your personal new home confidant dedicated to through the home buying process 2. One who sets realistic expectations with our future homeowners

  • Project Manager

    [ proj-ekt – man-i-jer] 


    the team member responsible for overseeing the construction of your new home

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Sara Sanderson, she is warm and welcoming...she is totally outstanding and is definitely a huge asset to Hunter Quinn Homes! Josh (I never can remember his last name) continues to be extremely patient, understanding, kind and helpful, and is always willing to pass along knowledge. Both Sara and Josh made my experience with Hunter Quinn Homes most pleasant, and continue to make the Tributary a lovely place to live.

Mary Ellen H., Tributary Homeowner

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